We have formalized the Lanta Gras scholarship process:
Priority is given to children who attend public school in the Atlanta Public School’s Jackson Cluster and/or reside in the NPU-O neighborhoods of Kirkwood, East Lake and Edgewood.
Children outside APS’s Jackson Cluster or who live outside of NPU-O neighborhoods may also apply.
Parents/guardians who are employed within the NPU-O zone in the following professions: schools (pre-K through 12), first responders (Police, Fire and Rescue) and military service.
Scholarship completed and submitted via the Online Scholarship Form.
Application Process
Rolling application open all year.
Awards given twice a year at the beginning of Fall and Spring semesters.
Fall Award Cycle
Lessons begin after Labor Day
Spring Award Cycle
Attend the Lanta Gras parade on January 25, 2020
Lessons begin late March/After Spring Break
At month 10, a student interested in renewing their scholarship, must fill out the Renewal Application.
The student must also have a letter of review from the music program teacher from those previous 10 months
Private music lesson scholarship for one year
Musical instrument, if applicable
Selection Criteria
Schools within the Atlanta Public School’s Jackson Cluster residence and/or parent/guardian first responder or military involvement
Free reduced lunch
Interest and aspirations to be a part of the Lanta Gras Music Program
Preferred 4th-12th grades, younger candidates may be considered
Commitment to the scholarship awards which includes 70% or higher attendance over the year
Instrument interest fit for the lessons offered
Parent/guardian income level
Recommendation Letters
Selection of recipients is made by the Lanta Gras Board of Directors, managed by the Music Program Committee.
Scholarship Recipient Commitment
Attendance Policy and Expectations for the student/scholarship recipient.
1. March & Perform in the Annual Lanta Gras Parade the last Saturday of January.
2. Attend Weekly Music Lessons each semester with 70% attendance records, with the ability to reschedule up to 3 private lessons per year. Parents/guardians are not permitted to participate in the weekly lessons.
If a student’s attendance is ever below 70%
A Music Committee Representative fills out and emails the Student’s Parent the Grace Period Information, and Guitar Shed prints the Grace Period Information and sends it home printed with the student.
If during the grace period attendance is maintained at or above 70%, the scholarship will continue.
If the student falls below 70%, then a review meeting or call is set in place with the parent.
The student’s attendance is reviewed and the scholarship is revoked.
If the parent refuses to have the meeting or call within two weeks after the grace period, the board has the right to automatically revoke the scholarship.
The student can apply again for the following semester.
Scholarship Committee
The scholarship has a rolling application window that is always open; however, the board and reviewing committee awards applicants twice a year.
The Lanta Gras Board does retain the discretion to award scholarships outside the bi-annual window when circumstances dictate.